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#1 09/08/2010 16h47

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La solution nous ait donné par cette étude de MorningStar :

How Expense Ratios and Star Ratings Predict Success

If there’s anything in the whole world of mutual funds that you can take to the bank, it’s that expense ratios help you make a better decision. In every single time period and data point tested, low-cost funds beat high-cost funds. To see the results, click here.

Expense ratios are strong predictors of performance. In every asset class over every time period, the cheapest quintile produced higher total returns than the most expensive quintile.

En résumé, moins un fonds a de frais, + il a de chance de surperformer les autres fonds de sa catégorie dans le futur.

The expense ratio and the star rating helped investors make better decisions. The star rating and expense ratios were pretty even on the success ratio--the closest thing to a bottom line. By and large, the star ratings from 2005 and 2008 beat expense ratios while expense ratios produced the best success ratios in 2006 and 2007. Overall, expense ratios outdid stars in 23 out of 40 (58%) observations.

For example, in the class of 2005, 5-star balanced funds produced a success ratio of 58% versus 13% for 1-star funds. Meanwhile, the cheapest quintile of balanced funds produced a success ratio of 50%, while the priciest quintile earned a success ratio of 30%. Thus, stars did a better job of separating winners from losers.

Les étoiles MorningStar aide quand même à séparer le bon grain de l’ivraie.

En résumé, une fois l’allocation d’actifs stratégique posée, ceux qui ne veulent pas investir en direct doivent porter leur choix sur les fonds au frais les moins élevés ET bien noté par MorningStar pour maximiser leur performance future.

Se contenter de prendre les fonds les mieux notés, indépendamment de leur frais de gestion (dont commission de surperformance, etc.)  n’est pas la meilleure façon de faire.

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#2 27/05/2011 08h50

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Dans ce papier Global Fund Investor Experience | March 2011, Morningstar compare les frais moyens, la gouvernance, la publicité, etc des OPCVM dans le monde.

Ceux qui ont assisté pour l’étude en France sont Thomas Lancereau et Frédéric Lorenzini.

Fonds actions géré en France :

Morningstar a écrit :

In 15 countries the asset-weighted median expense ratio for available-for-sale equity funds is between 1.75% and 1.99%, these countries are: Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. Only Canadian and Indian investors pay more than 2% for available-for-sale equity funds. Less expensive cohorts include: China and Thailand with asset-weighted medians between 1.25% and 1.74%; Australia and New Zealand are between 1.00% and 1.24%; and only in the United States are asset-weighted medians for available for sale equity funds below 1.00%.

Fonds actions locaux gérés en France :

Morningstar a écrit :

locally domiciled equity funds are generally cheaper than transnational funds. But the United States remains the only country with expense ratios below 1.00%. Equity funds domiciled in the Netherlands and Switzerland join those from Australia and New Zealand with expenses between 1.00% and 1.24%. The countries with domiciled equity fund TERs between 1.25% and 1.75% include Belgium, China, Germany, Japan, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. Domiciled equity funds in France, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan have typical expense ratios between 1.75% and 2.00%.

Sur les frais d’entrée :

Morningstar a écrit :

Loads come in a variety of types, the most common being, front loads or initial sales charges. In most countries investors also have the choice of deferred loads paid upon fund exit, no-load funds, and other distribution structures. Funds in India are not permitted to charge front loads. In six countries, Belgium, France, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, and Taiwan, more than 75% of locally domiciled funds report front loads. In 14 countries between 50% and 75% of available-for-sale funds charge front loads. While front loads are common, in most countries no-load funds are somewhat available. In addition, in 13 countries front loads are negotiable with the sales agent. In five countries it is common practice for loads to be on a schedule based upon the level of investment. Finally, in Belgium, China, and France large investors can negotiate load charges but is uncommon for an individual investor to have this power.

Sur les commissions de surperformance, aux USA, si commission de surperformance il y a, une contrepartie en cas de sous-performance doit être présente (et c’est la moindre des choses, c’est scandaleux que ce ne soit pas le cas en France) :

Morningstar a écrit :

In Norway and the United States all performance fees must be symmetrical, whereby funds wishing to earn fees for outperformance face an equal reduction for underperformance, also known as fulcrum fees.

Grosso-modo, la France est dans la moyenne pour le score global et dans les médiocres pour les frais.

MorningStar a écrit :

France Grade C+ France occupies the middle territory, scoring Bs and Cs in all areas, for an overall grade of C+. Unlike in many other countries, the media in France actively promotes the best practices of investing for the long term in a low-cost fund. That said, French funds are not particularly cheap; investors would benefit from lower-expense options.

Le pire pays pour les frais est le Canada, qui récolte un F.

Les USA récolte un A en note globale et un A pour les frais.

Conclusion : il y a pire ailleurs mais comme maintes fois répété sur ce forum, les frais des OPCVM en France sont plutôt élévés.

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#3 27/05/2011 14h55

Membre (2010)
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Réputation :   587  

InvestisseurHeureux a écrit :

Conclusion : il y a pire ailleurs mais comme maintes fois répété sur ce forum, les frais des OPCVM en France sont plutôt élevés.

C’est vrai, et malheureusement cela ne changera pas de si tôt, parce que les particuliers ne se penchent pas sur les frais annuels de leurs sicav et FCP, ou de leur assurance-vie, PERP ou PEE.

Je n’ai jamais entendu deux amis ou deux collègues en France avoir une discussion du type: j’ai choisi tel fonds actions européennes plutôt que tel autre, car tous les deux ont de bonnes performances, mais le second est trop gourmand en frais de gestion.
En France, ce genre de discussion serait de la science-fiction, alors que je l’ai entendu à au moins deux reprises lors de séjours aux Etats-Unis.
Une fois, j’ai même souri en entendant la deuxième personne répondre: tu as raison, les performances du second pourrait baisser dans le futur, alors que ses frais élevés resteront.

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