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#1 20/02/2014 01h32

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1 milliard de dollars retirés en 1 jour ce lundi, en Thaïlande.

Thailand’s Government Savings Bank (GSB) president admitted that clients withdrew 30bn Baht (around $1bn) in a single-day last week and Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) and Krungthai Bank (KTB), although of a much smaller magnitude, have also seen withdrawal spikes of similar magnitude according to The Bangkok Post.

Source : Bank Runs Spread To Thailand | Zero Hedge

BANGKOK—Depositors have withdrawn nearly $1 billion from a bank linked to a foundering rice-subsidy program, the bank said Monday, in one of the first signs that Thailand’s months-old political stalemate is starting to affect the economy.

Source : Run on Thai Bank Linked to Rice Subsidy Points to Strain on Economy - WSJ

Mots-clés : bank run;thailande

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